The npx @cdklabs/cdk-cicd-wrapper-cli configure
script uses a series of prompts and user input to build a bash script that can be used to source
your environment variables into your active shell/terminal. Additionally, the configure script sets values in the config section of the package.json
file. The created .env
can be modified or duplicated to assist developers moving between potentially different test environments.
CDK CI/CD Wrapper Variables
ENV Variable | Package.json config | Default Value | Description |
AWS_REGION | deployment region | ||
ACCOUNT_RES | account id for resources account where pipeline will run | ||
ACCOUNT_DEV | account id for DEV environment account | ||
ACCOUNT_INT | account id for INT environment account | ||
RES_ACCOUNT_AWS_PROFILE | sets the named profile to use for the RES account. this profile must exist in ~/.aws/credentials or ~/.aws/config |
DEV_ACCOUNT_AWS_PROFILE | sets the named profile to use for the DEV account. this profile must exist in ~/.aws/credentials or ~/.aws/config |
INT_ACCOUNT_AWS_PROFILE | sets the named profile to use for the INT account. this profile must exist in ~/.aws/credentials or ~/.aws/config |
AWS_PROFILE | sets the default named profile to use for aws cli or cdk commands when no --profile is provided. set to the same value as RES_ACCOUNT_AWS_PROFILE this profile must exist in ~/.aws/credentials or ~/.aws/config |
applicationName | Wrapper | sets the name of the Application | |
CDK_QUALIFIER | cdkQualifier | wrapper | used to distinguish between multiple deployments of a VP project in the same account. Good practice to customize per deployment. |
GIT_REPOSITORY | repositoryName | sets the name of the Git repository in the format org/name | |
repositoryType | sets the type of the repository, GITHUB or CODECOMMIT |
CODESTAR_CONNECTION_ARN | sets the codestar connection required for GITHUB type | ||
CICD_VPC_TYPE | cicdVpcType | NO_VPC | sets the type of the VPC: NO_VPC , VPC , or VPC_FROM_LOOK_UP . |
CICD_VPC_ID | cicdVpcId | for use with VPC_FROM_LOOK_UP to set the vpc ID |
CICD_VPC_CIDR | cicdVpcCidr | | for use with VPC to set the CIDR block of the VPC |
CICD_VPC_CIDR_MASK | cicdVpcCidrMask | 24 | for use with VPC to set the Subnet size |
PROXY_SECRET_ARN | used to set the ARN for the proxy secrets to enable proxy | ||
WORKBENCH_STAGE | used to test the CDK Stacks in a given stage, by default is DEV |